Friday 15 March 2013

we got it!!!

the boyfrind and I have bought a house together!! It was the first one we went to see, we both fell in love with it and since it was in the area we want to live in, the right price for us and we could see all the opportunities with it we placed a bid (and then a few more) and then finally the estate agent called and said that the seller had accepted our offer and the house was ours! I still find it kinda hard to believe that we actually own a house now (well, very soonish at least ;) ) and I don't think it'll all sink in until we're actually close to moving. Some renovations will be made and then all our stuff from two flats will be moved... that's the one thing I'm not looking forward to, moving everything :P Let this be a lesson to me not to buy any more stuff! Haha!


  1. Congrats to the house and do not buy more stuff until you have moved. Then you perhaps need more stuff ;-) :)

    1. Synd man ska till Ullared idag då ;)

    2. Fast där har dom väl mer än bara "stuff" ;)))
