I think it's some kind of tradition to plant a tree when you move to a house, something in the way of that it'll grow with you as you live in the house or something like that :P Anyways, we wanted to get a tree of our own and talked about some kind of fruit tree but settled on a magnolia and found one that had been left over at the gardencenter so it was half price. I hope this tree will like living with us and grow to be big and beautiful!

This is Pumpkin and he's living with my sister, but after meeting him I really wanted to put him in my bag and bring him home with me ;) It's just that Vincent would probably kill me if I brought home another cat (he's such a mama's boy) so I guess I'll settle for visiting Pumpkin and his friends Ebba and Hasse from time to time.


front door (which is by the back of the house) with a maple leaf wreath I made

Vincent might be thinking: how the heck did she get on the other side of this glass thingy?

when we renovated the bathroom we made it bigger and moved two walls and this is the wall that is in the hallway out to the garage. We've had stuff here that wasn't really supposed to be there and once I moved them I figured I'd might as well get started on fixing it with filler so we can paint it eventually. We also removed the extra wall they put up by the water heater when it was in the hallway and the wallpaper went down with the wall so now were back to scraping and putting up filler there as well. It's just not a huge priority right now, we'll get it done all in good time :)

Embla, close up

a blue tit on the tallow ball

we're a popular hangout these days. Can you see all the birdies on the ground as well?
A squirrel also visits from time to time :)
Lovely pictures Maria!